This full-of-nonsense blog was created by @kyy0602. The site is currently hosted on a server co-managed by @kyy0602 and @cakrome, and we both have administrative controls of the works published here.
The reason I (@kyy0602) started this blog is simply wanting to find a corner of the Internet that’s quieter than social medias, such as Twitter or Instagram, to share my works and thoughts to the world. I don’t expect to see a large number of followings or anything. It’s just a platform for me (and potentially others who share the same interests) to write about and publish on topics that we pay enough attention to. For now, that includes urban planning, public transport and construction projects, mostly centred around City of Hamilton (again, for now). Plus some random shower thoughts every now and then. For now. Who knows what’s getting posted in the future.
The Smolgnus Archive is a place where you can find historically or culturally (or spiritually?) important photos, documents and other types of medias, collected by us. (Rusty Quill plz dont sue)
I do have a vision to make Diequik Blog a collaborative platform, as I’ve mentioned previously that people who share the same interests as me could contribute to this small project as authors / editors. If that’s something that tickles your mind, get in touch.